How we can help you
With our extensive experience in the oil & gas sector sinve 1973, combined with our entrepreneurial spirit, broad range of activities and extensive global network we have what it takes to serve the specific requirements of your project.
We are experts in towage and Oil & Gas
Services offered (but not limited to):
- offshore support specific to the project;
- support related to offshore towage with its in-house expertise and with a growing number of offshore support vessels in the managed fleet that are also capable of serving the offshore oil & gas industry;
- Tschudi Arctic Transit has licenses to operate STS terminals at the Northern cities of Kirkenes and Honningsvaag.
A brief history: from past..

Founded in 1973, International Transport Contractors (ITC) was basically Tschudi’s first large step in the offshore market. 20 years ago Felix Tschudi took full ownership of ITC, fully adding it to the Tschudi Group.
First as a dry transport company, ITC took the tug-barge concept to the market and became the first company ever to transport a jack-up rig dry on a barge, opening the offshore oil & gas market for the company already at the start.
Later the pioneering spirit of the company made ITC operate the at that time largest self-propelled semisubmersible heavy lift vessel Sibig Venture. A major achievement of this vessel was the transport of 2 bases of the Ekofisk protective barrier in 1988.

Numerous jack-up rigs, semisubmersible rigs, FPSO’s and barges with jackets and offshore construction materials were transported all around the world by a fleet of oceangoing tugs & barges and tugs participated in numerous rig moves and installation projects.
From 2005 onwards the company became even more prominent in the offshore market with the addition of anchor handlers to the fleet. This brought the focus from mainly ocean towage towards anchor handling and offshore support in the dredgingmarket, in the oil & gas industry, but also in the offshore wind industry.

ITC's successor Tschudi Offshore & Towage transported everything afloat (or refloated in the case of Costa Concordia), from loaded barges, drydocks and disabled ships to rigs and FPSO’s. And the fleet of modern anchor handlers and support vessels was soon recognized in the market by majors both in the offshore construction and the oil & gas industry for their expertise. the present.
Today Tschudi Ship Management (TSM) and Tschudi Ship Management Holland (TSM Holland) provide support related to offshore towage with its in-house expertise and with a growing number of offshore support vessels in the managed fleet that are also capable to serve the offshore oil & gas industry.
This is how we have been doing it:
A good example is a recent LNG STS project in the North of Norway, where the Tschudi Group company Tschudi Arctic Transit has licenses to operate STS terminals at the Northern cities of Kirkenes and Honningsvaag. During the winter seasons of 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 an LNG STS terminal was set up at Honningsvaag for a large number of STS operations. With 4 STS locations available and a permit for 3 simultaneous STS operations, Tschudi again made history by being the first ever to operate an LNG STS terminal with 3 simultaneous LNG STS operations in progress. This required a fleet of tugs and support vessels and rather strict and tight planning. TSM assisted by providing operational management for control of all terminal vessel movements and tug assistance.

The Tschudi Group vision “creating value by daring to be different” counts also for TSM regarding our towage experience and our offshore oil & gas industry expertise.
Read more about Tschudi's Ocean Industries here.